Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Summer's here - plan that move NOW

Hello Movers!

Most people don't realize it, but moving is a very seasonal business. The reason is pretty simple. In the winter, people would rather stay at home and watch TV rather than think about moving. The limited sunlight, the cold, and the kids' school schedule are just too much to fight. So, we snuggle up under that blanket, sip that hot cocoa, and think about warmer days ahead.

Because of this lack of activity, Moving companies lay off workers, and the management team sits in the office, picking up the phone to see if they can hear a dial tone. It seems like there must be somebody, somewhere, that wants to move, but the trucks sit in the parking lot, like so many beached whales.

In the spring, though, this starts to change. People get the itch to pull up stakes and go somewhere else. Anywhere else! The phones start ringing, and emails start coming in. Slowly a trickle of business starts coming in the door, and things start looking a bit more optimistic.

By summer, the trickle has turned into a flood. The kids are out of school, and everyone wants to move at the same time. Garage sales are everywhere as people get rid of all the junk that's accumulated over the last few years. Boxes disappear from grocery stores at an amazing rate. Realtors run back and forth in their Golden blazers like forest birds.

And like Bears awaking from their winter sleep, moving companies are waiting for your call. The trucks are all shined up, and the crews are ready to put in those 12 or 14 hour days that make up for the winter's sparse income.

The problem is that for most of us, there are far too many moves to deal with. Things have gone from famine to feast! Especially on the weekends and at the end of the month. Every month, there are a spate of last minute calls. People with panic in their voices asking if we can PLEASE find some time on Saturday or Sunday. Unfortunately, we have to turn some of these folks down, and they end up dealing with unlicensed movers, or getting a bunch of friends and a rental truck (if they can find one).

During the summer months, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to plan your move early. Don't wait until the last minute to get your move set up. The fact is that if you can plan your move for the middle of the week, or the first 3 weeks of the month, you will probably have a lot more choice about who does your move, and you may end up paying less for it.

- Gary

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